Life Inside Our Bodies

Different Forms of Life

by Mehdi Alem, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/12/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 183
ISBN : 9781493154029
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 183
ISBN : 9781493154012

About the Book

A scientist who has been originally trained as a biologist and has always been interested in life on Earth and outside the universe proposes a project to investigate the presence of a different form of life in the universe. This scientist has fifty years’ experiences in different aspects of life. He also has updated knowledge about our planet, our galaxy, our universe, and other possible universes. He is familiar with the latest findings and improvements in the field of theoretical physics and investigations that had been so far done and had been focused on finding lives in other solar systems. To obtain approval and funds for his project, he contacts one of the highly advanced scientific societies in the United States and presents a series of scientific talks. In his presentations, he states, “Why, out of over two million different species living on Earth, only humans (Homo sapiens) are considered the most advanced one, and why, if we are looking for lives outside our planet, are we always looking for some sort of humanlike creature?” He tries to convince the scientists that there must be billions of other types of beings in our universe and other universes. These different types of lives can be much smaller or much larger than us. They can be much more intelligent and highly advanced creatures when compared with humans on Earth. They may not necessarily need water, moderate temperature, simple energy sources, etc. They may not reproduce the way that we do and may not even die, which is the final chapter in our lives. Finally, he will convince several distinguished scientists to support his project. With the help of several additional young scientists who are experts in different fields of science, in a highly advanced scientific institution, finally they prove that lives could be much simpler and at the same time more advanced than us. By doing extensive research, they finally find creatures that are extremely smaller than us and start communicating with them. Although this book presents a science fiction story, the processes by which the scientists discover these small creatures are completely and purely based on the latest and updated scientific findings, which means the story may become a true story in the coming years.

About the Author

Mehdi Alem is a distinguished microbiologist. His undergraduate studies have been in the field of biology (BS in general biology and MS in radiobiology). He has received a PhD degree in microbiology from the University of Kent, United Kingdom, and has had postdoctoral trainings in medical microbiology at Colorado State University, USA, and University of Reading, UK. Throughout his career, Dr. Alem has been a scientist, director, and associate professor at various universities, clinical laboratories, and medical diagnostic enterprises. He has been the author and coauthor of many articles and books on a wide range of topics related to biology, medicine, and medical microbiology. Dr. Alem is currently the president and CEO of a medical diagnostic company located in Southern California.