The Chronicles of Mike & Heather

by Gary T. Brideau



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/12/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781493156689
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9781493156696

About the Book

Heather shrieked, in terror, when, she came close to the stairwell, then suddenly, vanished, as a long, black tentacle dragged her down, into the darkness. Mike frantically screamed, “Heather,” as he pulled out his hunting knife, and rushed down into the darkness, after her. Suddenly, something grabbed his waist, and lifted him off the ground. Upon hacking off a long dark limb, he turned, on his flashlight and hollered, “Heather,” all he heard was silence, he carefully made his way back up stairs thinking his wife was dead. At the top of the stairs, he was almost knocked over, as Heather grabbed him a hug, almost crushed his ribs.

About the Author

I was born in a small house in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1947 and moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut as small boy. I met Lauren, the love of my life in1985 and were married years later and moved to Bristol, Connecticut. One night, I had a vivid dream that caught my attention, that spurred me to write it down, and sent it to my sister T. Jene Brideau, for an interoperation who also is a writer. She wrote and told him that the story was good. I took her encouragement and my imagination went to work. That’s when I discovered my God given talent to write great space adventures stories. From then on, I have written over fifty stories of which only seven of them have been published with great reviews.