Life Without Illusion

by Sandra Jane



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 22/01/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 275
ISBN : 9781401036973

About the Book

Medicare Criteria - "What is happening to health care for the elderly in our country?" The true story of what happened to my mother after her stroke is happening to many elderly citizens in the U.S. with limited financial resources. This simple eight-page introduction spotlights a strong point needing to be made; hospitals are not providing needed medical attention because medicare will not pay for certain costs. Immediate family members of the elderly are facing the dilemma of what to do about their loved ones needs.

Rolf Werner - After Mom is placed in a nursing home for "rehabilitation" my brother and I are faced with the maintenance of her house at the same time the nursing home is keeping social security checks for care rate fees. In an attempt to find possible hidden money I bring in a psychic friend who is a trance channeler. This leads to the realization there is a ghost in the house who we name Rolf Werner. In the documented communication with him I do what I feel is necessary to clear the haunted house of the presence. Flashbacks of childhood bombard me as I connect with childhood memories of my subtle knowingness´ of his presence. The spirit refuses to go into the light without the little girl spirit in the basement. I am unable to see her because I am too emotionally connected to the situation. In a documented session a team of four of us clear the haunted house of both spirits. In the channeling session that follows it is validated for me that my father had a child during his young service days. Guidance is channeled to help me locate her.

Setting the Stage - I face the realization of the magnitude of debts my parents have. This chapter uses foreshadowing to set the stage for family truths that I am about to face. I integrate Karen´s channeling session and set a healing space for truth and resolution to come forth. My spirit guides bring a "Columbo" type of character into my life. I hire Don as a private investigator to locate my sister. Upon doing so I go to my Dad´s nursing home and attempt to talk with him about "Lin Soon".

Neon Spotlight - The plot thickens as I intensify my energy focus and intent to heal, mend and learn about truths connected to my family. I face my brother´s dark side and his financial exploitation of my parents. Truths and realizations bombard me and are backed up by immediate spontaneous repressed quotes and memories from the past. With my intent to face family truths, my spirit guides begin to portray my brother and sister-in-law´s true characters in dream state because I am not ready to consciously face the whole truth about them.

"Lin Soon" - Six months has passed since the hiring of the detective. My intuition tells me it is time to put more energy focus into bringing forth the connection to my sister. I use guided imagery and prayers to try to bring forth the connection with her. My guides assist me in dream state by keeping me informed of the current status of Don´s work. In the end I ultimately face the truth that my sister is full of rage toward my Dad, and my father is full of shame and guilt about his abandonment of her. Don and my efforts to find "Lin-Soon" are not stronger then their intent to not face each other.

Family Truths - With Mom´s residency status being changed from temporary to permanent, I confront my brother and his underhanded financial dealings. I attempt to maintain a "What is in everyone´s best interest…"approach to problem solving the dilemma of what to do with Mom´s house and the debts. I finally conclude my brother is "spiritually dead" and is completely disassociated from how his life long behavior has affected my parents. I am still faced with the question of what to do to settle the estate. I BELIEVE I am my father´s legal guardian. My brother is my Mom´s legal guardian.

Resolve and Conclusion - The dark sides of my

About the Author

Like The Adventures of a Psychic by Sylvia Brown, which shares the authors experience of being a psychic, Life Without Illusion shows readers how to set a space to develop their own psychic channel. This book is educational in its demonstration of numerous varieties of ways a space can be set to center ones self, request guidance, and then integrate responses into life experience. I believe any reader desiring to do so can implement these demonstrated techniques.

Life Without Illusion is also an educational journey showing how what we are born into sets us up to ultimately develop strengths and skills we will later need to achieve success in our life purpose. I believe when life is examined carefully, we are ultimately going around full circle to face what is yet unresolved from our childhood.

In Life Without Illusion I am put in a situation where I need to face within myself each of my significant family members. I see how a theme of being on the receiving end of betrayal originated in my relationship patterns. Dysfunctional patterns in life repeat until one faces, grieves and heals from such core issues we carry with us from childhood. In Life Without Illusion I am using my own life as an example to help others grasp this concept. I believe my readers will recognize one or more of my family characters within their own families.

We live in a society that suppresses our feelings through overeating, numbs them through drugs or alcohol and is to a large extent unaware of what our core issues are and how they are affecting our relationships, job success, etc. I hope to challenge each reader to examine their family-of-origin and relevant childhood experiences and be able to answer the question, “What are my core issues in life?” When one becomes aware of the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that are operating within themselves, one can begin to understand how to create shifts to release walls of anger, fear of intimacy, etc.

The author Sandra Jane has a master´s degree in counseling, twenty years of experience within the profession and owns a personally designed combined-in-one home and state certified counseling center.

She has designed and perfected a five-month course she teaches on psychic ability development. Ms. Jane hopes the publication of her books will draw national attention so she can teach the Awakening Your Light Body series on a more global level.

Ten years into her counseling career Jane realized “talk therapy” alone wasn´t as effective as she had been taught. She realized the conscious, intellectual mind can read every self-help book there is on a problem area and still not be able to change dysfunctional patterns. Jane realized the intellectual mind does not know many times what is operating on a subconscious level. She began to delve beyond surface level feelings and intellectualization into the subconscious mind. In 1988 her counseling practice shifted to include hypnotherapy. Quite by accident, early on, she learned a non-specific or vaguely worded age regression can lead a hypnotic client straight into a past life experience. From this point forward Jane began working with clientele as multi-dimensional souls, rather then just precategorized personality types.

At the same time her hypnotherapy practice was growing she began to intensify her self-exploration of psychic channeling. Jane began recording her dreams nightly after asking her spirit guides to communicate to her through this channel. She read Edgar Cayce´s works to learn interpretation. She quickly became impatient with the fact she had pressing questions she did not want to wait to have answered in an elusive fashion. Though she still uses her dreams as a psychic channel Jane went on to write many numerous meditative visualizations and guided imageries to open her and her clients´ psychic channels. Sanaya Roman´s books on spiritual development were very influential in creating her personal style.

In 1992 after taking Sanaya Roman´s Awakening Your Light Body course and going to California to get the required training to be an instructor, she designed her own version of a five-month course on psychic ability development using the vibrational energy body center concept. Jane has designed 60+ meditations for this course alone. She currently teaches this class on weekends at her small midwestern Wisconsin counseling center. She feels she has fine-tuned the course to perfection through her already graduated nine classes. Jane hopes the publication of her books will draw national interest and attention so she can expand her teaching to a more global level.