Fiction Junction

A Novella Collection

by JB Sargent



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/05/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781469185538
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781469185521
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 185
ISBN : 9781469185514

About the Book

JB Sargent breaks into the literary world with Fiction Junction, a collection of short stories about friendship, love and heartache, and the characters that grow through the different hardships that they face. From Christmas time in a hospital to a spec-ops unit’s struggle in a terrifying laboratory, and from a fifteen year old assassin dealing with his first crush and a young woman going through tribulations as a movie executive trying to find “the one,” no two stories are alike! Spanning several different imaginary worlds that span equally different thematic elements, JB Sargent shows that he can take his writing in diverse directions and still arrive at one simple point or moral, sometimes the things you need the most are friends, and sometimes what you’re searching for comes up when you least expect it in the form of something you wouldn’t.

About the Author

Using the moniker JB Sargent, the young man set out in his writing career at the ripe old age of fourteen, beginning in his freshman year in high school. Stuck in a one-horse bumpkin town in the Heartland, Sargent amused himself whimsically at the side of his truest friends, who supported him all the way. His hobbies include playing video games, writing, drawing, and parkour to get the blood pumping.