So Becomes A Man

by J.F. Cody



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 26/03/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 203
ISBN : 9781425726713
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 203
ISBN : 9781425726720

About the Book

United States Marine Bill White returns from the pages of Imitate The Tiger in which he fought in the snow of the far off northern clime of revolutionary Russia in 1918-19. He grows to full manhood in this sequel on the sunny tropic scenes of Haiti and Nicaragua during the Banana Wars of the 1920’s, when some of the American news media demonized U.S. Marines as they would in Vietnam of the 1960’s, and again in the Middle East of the 21st Century. After World War I the Marines dropped the slogan of “FIRST TO FIGHT”, but in So Becomes A Man, Bill White and his brother Marines find they are, indeed, still first to fight. In this sequel to Tiger, there is also a tour in the Legation Guard in China, an exotic break between the Caribbean jungles and killer guerillas.

About the Author

In 1947 Lt. Cody enlisted as a Marine, liked it, and stayed for three decades, for wars in Korea and Vietnam. He was raised by junior N.C.O’.s telling rousing stories of World War II, but he became more interested in the tales of the senior sergeants and warrant officers, veterans of the Banana Wars. They were icons of professional sea soldiers as it came. They were hard men, not nasty, and their words came out like well-aimed shots from M1903 rifles. Cody never forgot them or their stories. He now lives with his wife Carol on a forested acre in the foothills of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains