The Cassie Chronicles, Vol. I

You Should Have Told Me

by F. Halsted



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/08/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781441533975
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781441533968

About the Book

Richard never had trouble getting women. Large, handsome, and charmingly chocolate, they fl ocked to him. And player that he was, he’d never cared. Cassie had decided to make do with a few good friends, a good gig, and a closet filled with designer heels. She was busy keeping her life as uncomplicated as possible, and men were definitely complications. But one night, he met her, and that night everything changed. Struck down, hopelessly in love, he had one problem. She didn’t believe it. There was only one course of action for a man like Richard to take. To make her love him, stay with him forever, he had to pull out all the stops. And with a grand, romantic courtship and blowout sex, Cassie was coming around. Until the night Richard got busted. Until the night all the lies came out. Would he be able to stop her from running away and never coming back? This is the story of Cassie and Richard, the woman who thought no one would ever really love her, and the man who thought he’d never need love.

About the Author

About the Author Residence: NYC, NY. Currently upper West Side, but a strong fondness for downtown lofts. Age: Nobody's business. Occupation: The entertainment business for years. Currently writing a memoir and a show for stage. Likes: Music, travel (would like to make return trips to Italy and Paris, waiting for air travel to lighten up), shopping (strong fondness for jewelry, shoes - Manolo, Louboutin - and Louis Vuitton bags, except for that multi-fabric thing from a few years ago),charities for children, the blind and conservation, interior decorating, PS3, movies and concerts and Broadway shows, reading, Bid Wist, rice and gravy, science fiction, comedy and action films, large men with big hands and pretty bodies, sex, SUVs, promptness, DVR and Blu-ray. Dislikes: Coach class, the woods, insects, vegetables and fish, small cars, exercise, liars, the color beige, noisy neighbors, noise at night, abstract jazz, minimalism, gray hair, obnoxious people, irresponsibility, lateness. "The Cassie Chronicles" is the first writing effort for F. Halsted. It started as an exercise in writing, just to see if it could be done and then expanded as the idea grew. It became an erotic novel, because it was more interesting to write, and a trilogy because the story continued. She hopes you have as much fun reading it as she had writing it. Enjoy.