Sarah Palin’s Biblical Interpretation

by Joe Bishop



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/08/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 105
ISBN : 9781453546130
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 105
ISBN : 9781453546116
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 105
ISBN : 9781453546123

About the Book

This Book is a continuation of the “Intelligent Foolishness” which was started in the first Book, “Birds Speak-out”, to make us laugh and have some fun. Upon recognizing the special physical visionary capabilities a Lady had for seeing the brightly colored Cupolas in the Russian Red Square from Alaska, and her special mental visionary ability to recall Biblical Scriptures instantaneously to help people with their problems, many persons began to contact her such as: Baseball Designated Hitters who want to “see the Ball coming”, Career Women who thought they were “left-out-of-within-Wedlock-Pregnancies”, failing Funeral Businesses; Cattlemen, Horsemen and Sheep Herders in the Old West; Medical Persons needing help to stop SARS, Influenza, H1N!, etc.; Farmers who wanted to increase their crop yields; Conquerors and Military Leaders requiring criteria as to whether they should destroy a town, city, etc. during war; help to solve the World’s Food Shortage; etc. Mother Nature’s BatVirgle (combination of Bat, Virus and Eagle) followed the whirl-wind career of this Lady and aided in the tracking, recording and Biblical Scripture Interpretations regarding her deeds in order that you could witness and be entertained by this phenomenal person still living in the 2010 era..

About the Author