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About the Book
About the Author
Miss Haflidason is 100 percent Icelandic. The author is a daughter of a late sea captain, Sigurdur Rósenkar Haflidason of Reykjavik, Iceland. The author arrives from a long line of Icelandic writers in her family and began composing poetry on her native language when still a child. Iceland has more writers, more bookstores, and publish more books than any country in the world—per capita. Icelandic writer Haldor Laxness is a Nobel Prize winner for his novel Independent People. During Miss Haflidason’s visit in Iceland, her cousin, Όlöflavia Arnadóttir, a renowned poet, and she payed Haldor Laxness a short stay at his small modest home by the sea. He was not at home. The door was unlocked. They went in. Icelanders never lock their doors.