Esperanza, Ave Maria and more

by Robert Cariola



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/07/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 249
ISBN : 9781450080323
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 249
ISBN : 9781441538178

About the Book

ESPERANZA will touch our souls. The characters exist in a post World War II setting in Brooklyn, N.Y., as they lead us through their search for meaning and truth. Poignancy, wit, and pathos, brings our characters home to their individual destinies, leaving us with their fulfillment of life’s trials, triumphs, and destinies. (Illustrated) AVE MARIA is a collection of Haiku verses written for love of Blessed Mary, Queen of Peace. It is inspiring and soul-filled. (Illustrated) EMMANUEL, THE ENIGMA – Transference of the soul of an ex-marine to a fallen buddy transfixes us as we are led to an enigmatic encounter. Hard questions are posed in search of eternal truths and mysteries. NEVER MORE FOREVER MORE – The mysterious old fisherman seems to hold answers to a universe beyond the crass and terrible times in the life of John Lathum. We are swept along through the valley of shadows and fears, to the light and peace of a blissful encounter with the Sacred within. And more: Short, short stories - I DIDYMUS, CAROLINE, and VITO’S DILEMMA round out this anthology, which inspires us to tap into our sacred quest for truth and bliss.

About the Author