Here Comes The King

Who Is Jesus Christ Our Lord

by The Messenger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781450008440
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781469120393

About the Book

From The Messenger, I will walk with you all soon inside of the next book coming very soon. Get the Message from: The Messenger, People this is the year you should all be worrying about is 2042. Jesus returns every {42nd generation} people Revelation will be fulfilled John will not be made a liar. Sheep so it’s not 2012; so you can stop it. Sheep because time is at our hands and we are still fighting over everything and anything people, we are in need of our Lord of Lord’s; and our King of King’s, because all that man has done is to lead us right into hell; so it’s time to pull up those breaks that is all of the VERSE OF THE BIBLE; AND REST SHEEP PEACEFULLY IN ADAM, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST. “The Messenger”

About the Author

Sheep I was born in North Carolina, and I was rise up inside of the Church it is a family tradition that I found out early in life that it was just a show of fashion and division and people was separated standing inside of their different groups, so today I believe Jesus every word if he said that he was not inside of the church then why should I be in there with them hypocrites Matthew 6:2; so I being to seek God in the Spirit, and be Truthful to him, and myself inside of Christ Jesus.