My Story God's Glory

by Shaquel Ware



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/05/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 163
ISBN : 9781456890391
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 163
ISBN : 9781456890384
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 163
ISBN : 9781456890377

About the Book

In this book, the author takes readers through the journey of her life. She hopes to inspire and empower all ages, races, and genders. She exposes her struggles from a child to a young adult and shares the wisdom that she has gained from her pain. She was born and raised in one of New Orleans’ most dangerous projects and neighborhoods. All of her life, she was surrounded by drugs and violence. Her personal past consist of being impacted by the murder of her mother and close relatives, generational cycles, becoming a mother at the age of fourteen, and several life or death relationships. With limited support from others, the author shares how she managed to come out alive and thrive. In My Story, God’s Glory, author Shaquel Ware shares a gripping, breathtaking, and powerful story of how God directed her life. Witness how one woman remained unstoppable. This true and rare story was inspired by real life experiences. This story models a unique message of faith, strength, and unexplainable determination. The author chronicles how she climbed mountains of trials and tribulations to wholeness and unspeakable success. Today, she remains a living testimony. Who can go through so much hell and come through it smiling like Shaquel? There is a God!

About the Author

In this book, the author takes readers through the journey of her life. She hopes to inspire all ages and races as she exposes her struggles as a child and a young adult. She is a young woman who was born and raised in New Orleans projects. All of her life, she was surrounded by drugs and violence. Also, her past consists of the losses of close relatives, unhealthy relationships, and becoming a mother at the age of fourteen. With limited help from others, Shaquel managed to survive and conquer. She dried her tears, faced her fears, and pushed pass the obstacles. In spite of the odds that were against her, she never allowed anything to get her down. She carried many burdens and took on many responsibilities as a young lady. She believes that everything she had to endure has prepared her to live a better life. “It was a learning experience,” she says. This is a powerful story of a young woman who refused to give up on life when all the odds were against her. She allowed every situation to make her stronger, wiser, and better than before. Today, Shaquel Ware is walking in victory and living out some of her dreams. She is more than a conqueror. She is a loving and supportive mother, reaches out to young adults, a college student, a homeowner, a motivational speaker, an author, and has a stable career in the social service industry. Who can go through so much hell and through it smiling like Shaquel?