The Quran Chronicle

by Sohrab Chamanara



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/02/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9781469166919
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9781469166926

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Thirty years after Prophet Mohammad's death, during the Othman Caliphate, it was decided to rearrange chapters of the Quran, forgetting surah 25, verses 32 – 33 and surah 17, verses 106 –107. Although the Quran says: “well-arranged stages, gradually and the best explanation….” Below shows how each chapter has been rearranged and read for fourteen centuries. The first chapter, which was revealed in 610 AD, is Chapter 96 in the Quran. Chronicle order/Chapter (Surah)#: 1st /96, 2nd /68, 3/73, 4/74, 5/1, 6/111, 7/81, 8/87, 9/92, 10/89, 11/93, 12/94, 13/103, 14/100, 15/108, 16/102, 17/107, 18/109, 19/105, 20/113, 21/114, 22/112, 23/53, 24/80, 25/97, 26/91, 27/85, 28/95, 29/106, 30/101, 31/75, 32/104, 33/77, 34/50, 35/90, 36/86, 37/54, 38/38, 39/7, 40/72, 41/36, 42/25, 43/35, 44/19, 45/20, 46/56, 47/26, 48/27, 49/28, 50/17, 51/10, 52/11, 53/12, 54/15, 55/6, 56/37, 57/31, 58/34, 59/39, 60/40, 61/41, 62/42, 63/43, 64/44, 65/45, 66/46, 67/51, 68/88, 69/18, 70/16, 71/71, 72/14, 73/21, 74/23, 75/32, 76/52, 77/67, 78/69, 79/70, 80/78, 81/79, 82/82, 83/84, 84/30, 85/29, 86/83, Year 622, Journey from Makkah to Medinah (Hejra) 87th /2, 88th /8, 89/3, 90/33, 91/60, 92/4, 93/99, 94/57, 95/47, 96/13, 97/55, 98/76, 99/65, 100/98, 101/59, 102/24, 103/22, 104/63, 105/58, 106/49, 107/66, 108/64, 109/61, 110/62, 111/48, 112/5, 113/9, last chapter, 114th /110 In this book, using Yousef Ali's English translation of the Quran, an original chronicle Quran is presented.

About the Author

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