The Heart of Listening

by Cris Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/04/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 107
ISBN : 9781479781751
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 107
ISBN : 9781479782895
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 107
ISBN : 9781479781768

About the Book

Thirty years ago, I was afraid of surrendering my life completely to trusting in the Divine. This fear is what stopped me from growing in my faith and crippled me into believing that if I did, something terrible would befall on me or my family, as a way of testing my faith. I was afraid to practice my faith and my heart was contaminated with guilt, anger and inferiority. Then something happened.

I took a leap of faith and decided to join my husband in a catechist program that was being delivered at our church. Little did I know that this would be the catalyst that would move me in a direction for a new life. The program taught the meaning of scriptures and how to read and meditate upon them. One night I opened the bible to a scripture passage found in 1 John 4:18. The words, "Perfect Love casts out fear" suddenly jumped off the page and spoke to my heart directly. I knew that the Lord was speaking to me through this scripture passage and He released my fears. With this new found freedom I embarked on a journey that helped me discover my connection with God and the many ways in which He communicated to me. This book reveals my journey as God revealed His presence to me though signs and symbols, in my journal writing, meditation, prayer, past memories, through His creation in nature, the stillness around us, and through everyday miracles. In a personal way he continues to speak to me through life and death experiences. Along with my sorrows, he fills me with joy through his His peace, grace and PERFECT LOVE.

About the Author

Cris Smith is a wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, writer, facilitator and one of God’s faithful prayer warriors. She worked in the banking industry for over 8 years, working her way up to Loans Officer. She coped with being a working mom for the first four years of her marriage until she and Don her husband, decided to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle so that Cris could become a stay-at-home Mom. Cris is married to her husband, Don for 34 years now—a mighty long time to collect lots of anecdotes on everyday joys, sorrows, accomplishments, foibles, sacrifices, surprises and even tragedies. Proudly giving birth to nine children, six of which are boys, ranging in ages from 14 to 33, Cris also home schooled three of her children. Unfortunately, shortly after her birth, Sara, their 8th child, passed away. Cris and her family are well known to the Salesian family and have been active members of St. Benedict’s Parish since l982. In l990, Cris was one of the first members of the Salesian Cooperators in Toronto and held the position of Coordinator for three years. For over 10 years she produced and edited a quarterly magazine called, the Salesian Cooperator Magazine and for the past two years has been writing her spiritual autobiography entitled, “Let the Spirit Fly Wherever It Takes You.” In the year 2000, Cris was involved with the start-up of a support group called, SARA’S CORNER, named in tribute to her baby Sara and facilitated the workshops for parents with babies who had special needs. In 2006 she opened the doors to her own charity that her family founded together under the name Blue Veil Charity and became the Executive Director of the charity. Today, along with her sons, Cris runs and operates a Centre for youth of all abilities called the SARA ELIZABETH CENTRE, named again in tribute to her baby, Sara Elizabeth Smith where young adults with special needs come together to share their gifts and talents through the arts. Sara’s story is filled with many mixed emotions that Cris and her family have been forced to face. The loss of her daughter brought Cris much pain and grief as she searched for answers. Fifteen years ago, Cris did not know what Sara’s future held for her but one thing was for sure, she knew that her family was not meant to walk the path alone. Today, she looks back and understands a little better the transformation that had to take place in order for the Sara Elizabeth Centre to be born. Cris believes that her family is a big part of God’s plan in making themselves one with others, especially those who have been blessed with a special child. Cris Smith exudes joy as she tells her story about Sara. She understands her role of parenting the Christian way, following the life of Jesus through love, discipline, and above all through complete surrender to His Divine Will. The message of faith and hope Jesus came to teach her family is experienced through the miracles they have witnessed. In a very personal way Cris allows the reader to become a part of her greatest miracles experienced through God’s love in action—His Amazing Grace.