Amid Fresh Currents of Life

by Donald E. Howard



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 27/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 319
ISBN : 9780738837352

About the Book

“Amid Fresh Currents Of Life” is a fictional story that offers a fresh look at our national culture and how that culture views the youth of our nation.  The story follows two young adults, a teacher and a writer, who set out to make this nation a better place in which to live by creating a new culture based on a healthy environment and a better way of preparing youth for adulthood.

Grant Redmon had been a public school teacher for almost three years by the time he had slowly reached the point he could no longer do his work with a clear conscience.  He had found teaching in a traditional public school to be too much at variance with his beliefs and ideals about youth training and development.  He struggled with his dilemma until he met Ginger, a writer on environmental issues.  With her support, he left a secure teaching position to set out on a quest for a better cultural model for developing youth.

Grant began his quest by traveling the state of North Carolina from end-to-end in search of life experiences that he hoped would help him achieve his goal.  His dream becomes Ginger’s dream, too, and she joins him in a search for wisdom, resources and a place to create that dream.  Along the way they encounter obstacles and adversaries, but they also find great happiness in shared time and activities that are filled with fun, laughter and wisdom bearing adventures.

This is a story of adventure, romance, exploration and personal growth with a goal to build a better country through better development of the nation’s youth.

About the Author

Donald E. Howard is an educator who has worked at all levels of the educational spectrum from kindergarten to graduate training at the university level. He holds bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. He is a veteran of four years military service with the United States Air Force and is the father of three daughters. Donald has traveled widely around the United States where he has learned about the history and culture of this nation. He has read widely into the events and personalities that molded and shaped our national life. From his early farm life, through his military service and through a career as a professional educator, Donald has incorporated his life experiences into his writing. In all of his work he has sought to focus on the good that he believes is inherent in humankind.