William James Potter from Convinced Quaker to Prophet of Free Religion

An Epic Spiritual Oddysey

by Richard Allen Kellaway



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/08/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781499054552
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781499054569
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781499054545

About the Book

Potter’s name is virtually unknown to contemporary Unitarian Universalists, even by many of those who consider themselves scholars of the movement. Why forgotten? He was a founder and the mainstay of the Free Religious Association, an organization whose members radically transformed American Unitarianism. Few remember that association; still fewer, Potter. Coming of humble origins, and shy and withdrawn by temperament, he did little to put himself forward. He preferred to let his organizational skills and his brilliant and powerful writings do his talking. In the New Bedford of his thirty-two-year ministry, he was a major public figure, universally respected for his integrity and his commitment to the community, especially to the disadvantaged. He initiated many major programs and organizations. But he shied away from assertive leadership, preferring to initiate and then move on. With his congregation, he was awkward in personal relationships, avoided parish calling, and only agreed that he would be available when needed. He was respected more than loved.

About the Author

When I left the Harvard Divinity School to become the minister of the First Unitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts, I soon became aware of a bronze tablet at the rear of the beautiful sanctuary. On it were the names of all the ministers who, through the centuries, had served that patrician congregation. Some of the names were familiar and distinguished; among them were Samuel West, Orville Dewey, Ephraim Peabody, and Paul Revere Frothingham. Before the latter was William James Potter. Who?