Tell Me, Moon

Collected Haiku

by Steve K. Bertrand



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/03/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781524585983
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781524585990

About the Book

Be a man of humble origins. Discern between what’s right and wrong. Carry yourself with quiet confidence. Seek the light in dusk and dawn. Contemplate the ways of nature. Keep body, mind, and spirit strong. Pursue a life of peaceful purpose. Let your mantra be a simple song.

About the Author

Steve K. Bertrand is an award-winning poet, historian and photographer. For the past thirty-five+ years, he has also worked as a free-lance photojournalist. His poems, stories and articles have appeared in numerous publications locally, nationally and internationally. In addition, Steve has had a long career as a teacher/coach in the Everett School District. He has been very involved in poetry readings throughout the Pacific Northwest. Steve is the author of eleven books. He and his wife, Donna Marie, live in Mukilteo, Washington. They have two children – Jessie and D.J.. In their free time, they enjoy family, friends and the Pacific Northwest.