For Romance—Poetic Tales & Story Poems

A Divine Heretic Book

by Janine Palmer (Silver Moon)



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/05/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781543420593

About the Book

Remember Your Wings Maybe I’m learning to love more, Maybe I opened the gate, Maybe I don’t have the answers, Maybe this comes down to fate. Maybe we danced once in heaven, Maybe we’re angels on earth, Maybe you’re the only one for me, Maybe my heart was yours first. Maybe your soul called out to me, Maybe my soul pulled you near, Maybe I’ve known you forever, Maybe you’re the reason I’m here. Maybe my heart sings only to you, Maybe my love knows no bounds, Maybe our love is so pure and true, Maybe our treasure is found. Maybe I’ll hold you forever, Maybe I remember your wings, Maybe I’m ever so thankful, Your divinity to my heart sings. Janine Palmer (Silver Moon)

About the Author

Janine Palmer (Spirit Silver Moon) grew up in Northern California and resides in Southern California today. After devastating county-wide wild fires and global economic collapse, Janine and her family endured physical, economical and emotional losses, along with the loss of friendships. Judgmental treatment by so-called religious people (family/friends) caused her to question religions due to poor treatment by others in religious ideology. These initiations tested her inner strength and caused her to investigate more deeply for truth, what brings true happiness, forward movement, the evolvement of the soul and ultimately she discovered her calling. She was one of the phoenix’s who rose from her own ashes with a powerful story to share of truth, strength, wisdom, compassion, love and taking one’s power back. We must remember our magnificence to in order to rise above so much illusion. Looking for answers, Janine Palmer (Silver Moon) extensively studied and continues to study multiple healing modalities for emotional and spiritual healing. Janine has studied World Religions, Spirituality, Early Christianity, Gnosticism, Philosophy, Critical Thinking, Biblical Scholars, and Spiritual teachers. Janine is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Practitioner. In the spiritual and emotional arenas, Janine has studied and become certified in the following areas: Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Energy Psychology, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping), Kinesiology, Muscle Testing, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) the language of the mind, Reiki Master and Gamma Healing for overcoming energy vampires, healing emotional traumas, anxiety, depression and PTSD, and Shamanic Journey Work. These modalities are helpful for releasing stress, old pain, resentment, anger, doubt, grief, unforgiveness or anything which blocks forward movement. Through her healing sessions, whether held in person, via phone or skype, she has helped others heal, grow, overcome obstacles and move forward lighter after releasing what no longer serves. This knowledge and wisdom is contained within her writings of uplifting messages for healing. She shares tools we can use to assist ourselves and others on their path. Janine is the author of multiple books containing many genres and messages from various teachings and modalities. The four main genres are story poems, romance, rising above dogma and emotional and spiritual healing. These are presented as poetic tales which have received very positive support and feedback around the world. Janine’s compassion and calling to help others break free of limiting and painful situations can be felt through the writings contained her he book series Divine Heretic. She does God’s work for humanity, for the collective and greater good. It is a gift and a blessing she is very grateful for.