Parenting Today

On Becoming a Better Partner and Parent

by Simon P. Bargetzi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/11/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781543461015
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781543461008
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781543460995

About the Book

The book is divided into chapters that deal with specific topics and can be either read through from beginning to end or as a reference book with separate chapters addressing specific interests. Separate chapters contain advice on how to approach and deal with the challenges from before marriage to partnership, marriage, pregnancy, parental challenges, child rearing, and financial and social aspects. If you have a question about the parenting or rearing of a child, by using the table of contents, you may find the appropriate chapter in which to find suggestions. The appendix has a list of valuable books that might go into greater detail with your specific problem. We believe that giving specific advice on how to raise children is impossible due to the uniqueness of each child. We are aware that it is equally impossible to give all the answers or advice and suggestions to those complex themes. However, the main challenges of raising children are presented and discussed.

About the Author

Simon Peter BARGETZI, Author of several books lives in Canada half of the year and the rest in Europe and the USA. He brings a share of knowledge and embraces these perception and philosophies in this book. He is retired and enjoys travelling, gardening, and writing.