All of us who have been united with Christ through faith and baptism have been called to be holy and cultivate the virtues of holiness. The Holy Spirit has endowed us with abilities and has given us certain spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ. Each of us must discover the particular way we are to fulfill our function as kings and priests of the living God.
We are called to represent God to the world, some in the responsible cultivation of the land, others through ethical business practices, some through a healing profession, and some in the education of the underprivileged. Some may feel called to actively promote the care of the environment, while others may want to strive for social justice through political effort. Some may feel called to promote reconciliation among those in conflict with each other. God has called all of us to promote peace in our relations and justice in all our endeavors.
We are called to offer up the world to God, some as ministers of the word and sacrament, others as prayer warriors, others may teach, while others may offer up to God our praise with music. Many will be priests to their family, and others in their place of work. Some may seek to offer up our worship to God through the creation of beauty, while others may discover new ways to offer up to God the worship of all creation.
All of us can pray, offering up to God the needs of family and friends, interceding with God for all those who suffer from illnesses, natural tragedies or unjust exploitation, and pleading with him to give wisdom to those in authority.
In summary, each of us must discover how we are to serve God as kings and priests.
Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth,” and “You are the light of the world” (Mt 5:13,14). We are to saturate this world with salt in order to preserve it, and sprinkle salt on the lives of those who have lost their taste for life. We are to shine the light of God in the world in order to brighten the path of those who walk in darkness and point them to the God of light and truth.