Inherited Cosmic Intelligence:
Searching For Myself Within The Cosmos
Book Details
About the Book
Inherited Cosmic Intelligence is a continuation to Cosmic Visions within the Microcosm of My Right Hemisphere:... It will give the reader a foundation on the beginning of a star's life and how a galaxy develops its galactic black hole. The reader will learn how healthy fertile stars, like our Sun, fuse hydrogen into helium and all the necessary elements to develop life in their fertile planets, eventually developing intelligent beings. The main subject is how we inherited intelligence within our DNA; and, how our intelligence keeps evolving as dormant parts of our DNA awakens. This book will also educate parents and teachers on brain growths, how nutrition affects myelination which will allow children to learn quicker at school and at home. Finally, Inherited Cosmic Intelligence will educate every reader on how to continue to nurture your brain and body for the rest of your life.