Fabric of Light

by Travis Sharp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9798369425503
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9798369425510

About the Book

Fabric of Light is a collection of songs and complex poems. Created to expose the genuine lifestyle expressing the truth of our environment in clarity, defining the elements in life that are factors in this dimension. To Inspirationally enhance one's courageous sense, to conquer their goals, is a grand satisfaction seeing. The title was decided from a night dream that occurred, allowing me the understanding of the topic, for a fitting book name. As I slept in a deep trance state on my back, I was quickly awakened with my complete body paralyzed, in complete confusion of understanding I was in a foreign setting. Rotating my visual point of view to follow the horizon, observing a river environment, listening to the water flow rapidly, densely condensing into a smooth rushing river. The reflection intake of the horizon scan led me to believe I was in the plains of a savannah. Peripheral vision taking in mainly tall grassland surrounding, as I stretch out on my back on a level spot, on top the river bank. Quickly to notice a black snake slithering forward, onto my chest, as I felt it weighting on down, twisting a sense of feel on my chest. My hands tied, fingers locked in a relaxed position dividing me away from this unknown fascinating entity. Fear concern raises, wondering if the approaching dark serpent will bite my hands as it stares targeted at them. Without seeing a single tongue flick from this constrictor shaped snake. Bearing oversized pitch black eyes, it leaned back in a lifting motion to strike. In full surprise, it pressed forward keeping its mouth sealed, causing no painful strike. As if the entity took enjoyment in approaching my face. It interestingly became docile, to calmly wave side to side near my chin manipulating an unforeseen neck or facial strike. I wrestled to awake back to life's reality, though paralyzation is on lock. Staring face to face, embracing the moment for meaning, the vividly opaque snakelike shadow nudged inward. Pushing my clenched hands with its scales dry covered texture snout. It became curious if it would be seen as embracement or hostility. Eyes into eyes, we mirrored one another in understanding, time to do what writers do. Motivating one to share enlightenment, from the known to the rarest unknown. There are several states of levels in the fabric of light in our spiritual consciousness. This is the idea of a pure poetic dream. Timing on events through sleep premonition, created the artistic title, Fabric of Light.

About the Author

Travis has released over fifteen music albums with a variety of brilliant artists. Operating as a lyricist, producer, and songwriter alongside various featured artists. Travis has nine music albums released with Chaos and Mirrors, following his early 7 music albums. He has a previous tetralogy of poetry book publishings, An American Omen as a debut poetry book. Sharp Sense followed, into River of Elephants as his third publishing. Fabric of Light is his fifth poetry book publishing following Echoing Glow, setting an authentic tone for the reader to receive inspiration in its most influential entity. Travis is able to put morals in place, allowing emotions to universal angles of perspective to be felt. The thought of healing others with words, of his strong feelings, allows the art in poetry to be vividly exciting to explore.