by Rotimi Olagbaye



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9798369421673
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9798369421666

About the Book

Local Content: Unlocking the Potential for Sustainable Development in Developing Nations Developing nations are richly endowed with natural resources, cultural heritage, and untapped potential. However, they struggle with inadequate basic amenities, unemployment, and uneven development. Despite decades of foreign exploitation and exploration, local populations have not fully benefited from their resources. This book, “Local Content Unveiled,” aims to bridge this gap by providing a comprehensive exploration of local content principles, insightful case studies, and real-world examples. It seeks to equip government officials, policymakers, professionals, students, and stakeholders with the knowledge to harness local content effectively. By embracing local content principles, developing nations can: - Maximize economic benefits from natural resources - Develop in-country capacities and skills - Foster sustainable development and GDP growth - Create jobs and stimulate local economies - Improve social amenities and infrastructure This book serves as a beacon, guiding stakeholders towards a more holistic and inclusive approach to development, empowering local economies, and unlocking the transformative power of local content.

About the Author

Rotimi Olagbaye is a seasoned energy executive and thought leader, serving as CEO of Keji Services Inc., a North Carolina-based oil and gas company. With over 30 years of global experience in the extractive industries, including oil and gas, solid minerals, iron and steel, energy, and renewables, Rotimi has developed a unique expertise. His career has spanned various roles, including Senior Engineer at the Iron and Steel Company in Ajaokuta, Nigeria, and Chief Regulatory and Policy Compliance at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Abuja, Nigeria. As a pioneer member of the Board of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Rotimi has played a key role in shaping local content policies. His book, “Local Content Unveiled,” offers a comprehensive exploration of local content, providing insights into its significance, challenges, opportunities, and transformative power. The book aims to empower stakeholders, including government officials, policymakers, corporations, professionals, investors, academia, communities, students, and individuals, to harness the potential of local content and foster sustainable development. Rotimi is a valued member of the American Writers & Artist Institute in Delray Beach, Florida, and a sought-after expert in the energy and extractive industries. Based in Texas, United States, he leverages his linguistic skills in English, Russian, and Yoruba to connect diverse audiences and foster effective collaboration.