Everything a Woman Wants to Hear in the Late Night

by Mar L



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/06/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 378
ISBN : 9798369423325
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 378
ISBN : 9798369423301
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 378
ISBN : 9798369423318

About the Book

In the final book of the romantic trilogy, Mar L takes us on a deep dive into a far more risqué side of love stanzas. Created for the mature reader, the colorful and tasty pros will without fail, keep the audience engaged from beginning to end. Along with his signature pen full of laughter, wit, and charm, Mar L adds a hefty dash of erotica while keeping it clean enough to be on the most conservative bookshelves. Whether you’re single, going with the flow, in a committed relationship, engaged, or especially espoused, this culminating chapter will certainly not disappoint. Read and use this book to create a fire in the workday, or let it be the spark that will be everything a woman or even a man wants to hear in the late night!

About the Author

Mar L continues to keep his day job of serving the community and empowering urban youth to be their best authentic selves. However, at night his passion still remains to keep love and romance thriving in this fast-paced, and now technology driven paradigm of relationships. He believes that romance will never go out of style, and what you say and, in this case, read, is something that can and must stand the test of time. As a consummate Renaissance Man, Mar L is transitioning into a different writing genre, as well as new endeavors of musical performance. Look out for his forthcoming debut smooth jazz album and his epic nonfiction novel. In addition to serving and walking in his calling of youth development, Mar L also believes that chivalry must remain a permanent practice in the context of cultivating relationships. These romantic devotionals he created serve as perfect contrivances for the cause.