
by Jean Thompson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/09/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9798369428870
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9798369428887

About the Book

Jean Thompson lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband, two of her three children and five of her seven grandchildren. She loves bonding with her grandchildren, giving honorable mention to her newest addition, Maya Ann, to her Thompson Family village. She is a sister to Charles, James, Marie, Iris, Sandy, Gail and Mary who have supported and encouraged all of her dreams how far-fetched they may have sounded. She loves to read, organize, and decorate. She abhors cooking. She is learning to garden a little. Jean enjoys a Tuesday night Bible study to share her love of God. Jean is blessed with a ‘safe place’ in her family and prays everyone could be so fortunate. And she has been a friend, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and confidant to a host of many others who make up the Thompson village.

About the Author

Jean Thompson lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband, two of her three children and five of her seven grandchildren. She loves bonding with her grandchildren, giving honorable mention to her newest addition, Maya Ann, to her Thompson Family village. She is a sister to Charles, James, Marie, Iris, Sandy, Gail and Mary who have supported and encouraged all of her dreams how far-fetched they may have sounded. She loves to read, organize, and decorate. She abhors cooking. She is learning to garden a little. Jean enjoys a Tuesday night Bible study to share her love of God. Jean is blessed with a ‘safe place’ in her family and prays everyone could be so fortunate. And she has been a friend, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and confidant to a host of many others who make up the Thompson village.