Book Details
About the Book
The title of this book, “Suffering as the Seed of Renewal” calls our attention, I feel, to an aspect of suffering that we don’t often consider. A seed is a plant’s a) sprouting b) growth and c) fruition in potency. That is a, b, and c exist as potentialities of suffering. Potentiality is an energetic readiness to bring into actuality what lies in wait to manifest itself fully. The thesis of this book is that suffering can be, if properly understood and accepted, a potency for renewal. What type of renewal is to be developed? What does renewal mean? What is being renewed? Are there various types of renewal? These questions will form the basis of the book’s development.
About the Author
Robert Colacurcio has been practicing the methodology of the Buddha’s spiritual technology for over thirty five years under the guidance of some of the most accomplished meditation masters in the Vajrayana lineage of Buddhism. Earlier in his life he studied to become a Jesuit priest, and earned his PhD from Fordham University in philosophy. His spiritual background includes two years at the New York Zendo, extensive study in the Human Potential Movement under the direction of Claudio Naranjo and Oscar Ichazo. His journey then took him to a Sufi commune learning the disciplines of the Russian savant, G.I. Gurdjieff. He is also deeply indebted to the works of Carlos Castaneda, Robert Pirsig and Jane Roberts. He currently lives with his wife, Carol, in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia, and delights with pride in the growth and constant source of revelation that are his children and grandchildren.