Expedited Service

Exceptional Books in Exceptional Time!

If your manuscript is ready for publication and all you need at this point is to get your book out as soon as possible, Xlibris NZ’ Expedited Service is exactly what you need. Our seasoned publishing team will help you achieve this feat in as fast as two weeks*!

Benefits of Expedited Publishing:

  • Speed - Get your book published in as fast as two weeks with our top-priority queue and efficient process
  • Creative Control - Maintain full control over your book's vision and publishing process.
  • Personalized Service - Work closely with a dedicated team for a smooth and personalized publishing experience.


  • Expedited Service ensures your softcover and ebook are professionally published and available on the Xlibris online bookstore within two weeks of complete material submission.
  • Channel distribution follows standard timeframes, which is up to 14 business days from publication complete.
  • Books are subject to content evaluation guidelines (no hate literature, plagiarism, or copyright infringement) prior to publication complete.
  • Books that require editorial services, complex design or pre-production services such as data entry, illustrations, indexing and footnotes are not eligible for this service.