The Spiritual and Mental Transformation (Revised Edition)

by Stanley Njoroge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/12/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781984582102
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781984582096

About the Book

The purpose of writing this book is to create an awareness that life is a journey that has a starting point in life and an end. Man, in his finite mind, need an infinite mind, which helps in both spiritual and mental development. This book is primarily intended to educate young Christians in faith to which steps to make toward spiritual and mental maturity. In other words, simplicity of theology.

I trust that the chapters and pages in this book will revolutionize the reader to seek God’s purpose in this earthily and heavenly life. And you and I are of those people God want to impart his divine power so that we can live lives of abundance of knowledge and prosperity. Knowing God intellectually is not enough until the soul and spirit become captives of divinity. Spirit-filled Christians in all circumstances and situations seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance, putting carnal mind into the subjective will of God.

Therefore, spiritual and mental transformation is vital: not reformation. For spiritual and mental transformation leads to another image, in the likeness of God. Another feature of this book is of shaping the soul, mind, and spirit in order to live above the earthly distractions, which enslaves us and subjects us to feel defeated in our endeavors.

Victory and success lie upon the obedience of the sound scriptures: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thy mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” (Josh. 1:8). Obedience pleases God at all times and provokes his blessings to fall upon his faithful servants. Therefore, obedience is cardinal virtue from the regeneration to generation until the translation into heaven.

I would recommend this book to all those who seek Christian lifestyle.

About the Author

My name is Stanley N. Njoroge.
I was born in Murang’a, Central Province, Kenya.
Marital Status
I am married to my beautiful wife, Agnes W. Njuguna. We are blessed with five grown-up children—two sons and three daughters—and several grandchildren.
Early Education
I started primary (elementary) school when I was beyond the admission age of seven years.
Due to the scarcity of finances, I did not finish high school, but that did not stop me from pursuing education. Finally, I was able to finish high school through private studies and then joined Bible College of East Africa.
My Conversion
It was February 5, 1965, in the evening time while reading my Bible in Matthew 6:33. That spoke to me as a person: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto thee.”
That night, I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as the Savior and my Lord. I count that day as a spiritual birthday.
A Call into the Ministry
After accepting Jesus, there and then, a voice in my heart said, “I have saved you. Now arise and go and be my witness.” I started witnessing to my fellow students, who saw me as a crazy guy; nobody paid any attention to me. But in the long run, I was a winner; many colleagues accepted Jesus.
Within a period of four year in extensive studies, I was able to connect with an American missionary who invited me to join him in mission work (evangelism). Even after my graduation, we went all over Kenya preaching, myself being an interpreter. We established over forty local congregations under the name Independent Baptist Churches of East Africa. I served in many positions—secretary, treasurer, teacher, and chairman (moderator).
Trip to United States of America
My first trip to the US. This was in 1973 at Collingswood, New Jersey, attending ICCC (International Christian Council of Churches) conference and seminar. I went back to Kenya. I served as a pastor/lecturer at Baptist Bible College, Nairobi, Kenya. This I did until I resigned from teaching in 1978 to be a full-time pastor.
My second trip to the USA. This was in 1989 when I came for graduation at Anderson City, South Carolina. After graduation, I went back and continued with the job of pastoring and teaching.
Living in the United States. In 1999, my wife and I came as missionaries, and since then, we have been here ministering, and we have been able to establish local churches under the name Living Hope International Christian Church Inc. This is affiliated with Redwood Empire Baptist Association and Baptist Convention.
Secular work. In 1983, I established in Kenya a business under the name Kiamuri Poultry and Eggs Suppliers, and my wife was the manager.
In the United States. I worked as lead custodian at San Rafael District City schools for thirteen and a half years and retired in 2014. It was while working that I was able to travel and call other Kenyans to join me, and out of several meetings, we were able to establish Kenyan churches in Seattle, Washington, and Bay Area, North California.
The role of teaching. I joined Golden Gate Theological Seminary as a CLD (contextualized development leadership) instructor from 2010 to present. While teaching, I enrolled for MDiv. I graduated, and I’m doing PhD, major in Christian education.