Educating Children to Bully

System Entrenched Bullying

by R. L. Davey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/9/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 73
ISBN : 9781483637914
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 73
ISBN : 9781483637907
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 73
ISBN : 9781483637891

About the Book

My book consists of twelve chapters with each chapter describing a complete incident that occurred in un-named state schools.

The incidents include teachers being intimidated to cover-up the bullying or sexual harassment and assault of children ranging in age from five years to thirteen years of age. All assaults occurred during school hours when teachers, principals and the department of education were trusted to protect their young charges.

Each assault was either not recorded, so therefore didn’t happen, or details were ‘played down’ or completely fabricated to make the child, parents or teachers appear to be exaggerating.

I have recounted dishonesty and apathy by some officials and the sad results I saw as the children realized that the adults who went in to fight for them were defeated and broken by the same system.

The book and my fight for justice for my colleagues and children have come at a high price. The loss of my teaching job and targeting by some who still want to silence me.

About the Author

R. L Davey has taught in both High school and Primary schools in a number of states around Australia. She has been a long term advocate for the protection of children in all areas of government and the communities where she has lived.

She has a wonderful husband who supports her beliefs and two adult children, both happily married with children of their own. They live in a seaside suburb on the Australian East Coast, not far from their extended family. After becoming a grandmother, R.L Davey was even more determined to make schools a safer place for children to be.