My Prayer List

A great way to remember those special prayers

by Michael Fury



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465382498
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465382481
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465382504

About the Book

“My Prayer List” is a simple and yet ingenious way to ensure that you always remember those special prayers. In this book, Christian author Michael Fury, has provided a way to not only keep up with all of the prayers which we need to address every day, but has also ensured that “My Prayer List” is an important resource tool for future reference, by including a section for “Important Notes” as well as a “Things to Do” section which allows the owner to stay Christ focused and organized. Having spent over 25 years of his life as a senior manager in corporate Australia, Michael responded to a call from God to turn his life around, and focus his energy on improving the quality of people’s lives by adopting a mindset of Service. This book is a reflection of God’s intervention in Michael’s life to date. There is little doubt that life is getting busier and busier, and that there is an increasing demand for us all to do more on a daily basis with less time. “My Prayer List” ensures that our prayer time is as productive as God would like it to be, by giving us a resource to ensure all of our meaningful prayers are addressed.

About the Author