Angels in India

Power of Prayer

by Renee Riendeau



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/22/1999

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 143
ISBN : 9780738806709
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 143
ISBN : 9780738806716

About the Book

Upon the deaths of her parents, Renee Riendeau hoped to refresh her soul with a pilgrimage to a world healers' conference in northern India.  Instead, she experienced hardships.  Yet at every turn of adversity, someone stepped into her life to help her, comfort her, rescue her.  Renee discovered "angels in India."

Three days after Renee arrived in India, she took a train to Jammu, a remote Kashmir region, near where the event was to be staged.  However, an international crisis developed.   A plane carrying Pakistan's president exploded and crashed.  All passengers were killed.  The Pakistanis suspected Indian involvement.  Rumors of riots and killings were rampant.

The conference was cancelled. The only other arrival was a Buddhist monk.

But while the twosome wandered through the Himalayas seeking conference organizers, it was their driver Mehraj, who served as Renee's guardian over treacherous mountain roads and through precarious military checkpoints.

Renee has a strong self-assurance as a result of her Indian pilgrimage, but she also has a stronger faith in prayer.  "I prayed without ceasing," she says.  "I know the power of prayer.  That's how I live my life now."

About the Author

Renee Riendeau is a retired school teacher of thirty-six years. Twenty-five of these years were spent as a Special Education teacher with a Masters Degree in Reading and Learning Disabilities for the Glendale Unified School District in Glendale, California. She is currently selling real estate in the San Gabriel Valley. Her two married daughters located in Pleasanton, Ca. and Henderson, Nevada provide frequent opportunities to visit her five grandchildren. Being civic minded Renee is a member of the Glendale Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis International, Sweet Adelines International, the American Pilgrim Choir, and is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the Glendale Community Foundation. At one time Renee was head practitioner for the Glendale Church of Religious Science with a group of twenty-two other practitioners under her leadership. She also instituted a non-profit group for spiritual healing called the Rainbow Connection in the 1980's. Upon retiring from teaching in 1995, Renee established a scholarship program for Special Education elementary students who have lost a parent or sibling through death, or are suffering from other forms of trauma in their lives. To date the RENEE FUND, ( Remedial Education Needs Empathetic Endeavors ) has awarded ten mini-grants to needy children. Although Renee is a world traveler, this is her first attempt to recapture in writing the disturbing experiences she had during a three week trip to India, which lead to a miraculous angelic transformation of her soul.