Some Arab Souls Dripping

by Elias Sassoon



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/18/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 377
ISBN : 9780738857824
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 377
ISBN : 9781465324597

About the Book

This story is about an Arab man, Issa Aldunyar who lives in America. He is a literate man, a man of letters, a poet, a teacher, a scholar. This is also a story about Issa´s children, strange and radical children.

Radical ... How does one define radical? How does one define a radical man...who just so happens, to be an Arab? How is an Arab perceived in the Western mind? As a terrorist . . . . a maniac. Western prejudice against a whole culture and civilization. Okay there are Arab fanatics, but, what of the Western fanatics, terrorists, and, misguided idealists who commit crimes of the century? Let´s take, as an example, the Irish? What about their bombs, killings, intolerance? It has gone on for decades, centuries. And for what, religion: Protestant against Catholic, Catholic against Protestant. And they call Muslims the crazies? You want more examples, what about the people of the Balkans, Europeans all. What of their genocide, wars of rape, blunder, religious intolerance, and, their various ethnic cleansing attempts at the end of the bayonet? More examples? Look at the violence and brutality committed by people from the Civilized West, Germans, English, Russians, etc. What about Americans, are we better? We´ve produced fanatics, terrorists, bombers, madmen. Better than them? Take the word "Zealot." This is not an Arab word. It comes from the ancient Hebrew and denotes a group of religious fanatics who helped bring down a moral nation. Killed like madmen for a cause, for their cause. And they often killed unjustly.

Madness, everywhere; it breeds, grows, and firmly roots itself in no one particular place. It is the Romans, the Turks, the Americans, the Chinese, the Japanese, Africans, Asians, South Americans; it is the Inquisitors and the Crusaders and the Nazis and the PLO and the IRA and the Communists and the fascists, and the Khmer Rouge: terrorism, fanaticism, lack of respect for life, love of ego??it is here in the present as it has been in our past. It isn´t the product  of one people or race. It is of the human race. And it is a problem for all races. For all peoples. For each individual. For you and for me and for our children who are here now and who will be born tomorrow.    

That is to be remembered now, when reading this book. The terror is ours, to be acknowledged by all

About the Author

Elias Sassoon is the author of approximately, roughly, terminally twenty-five works that include short story collections, novels, poetry collections and non-fiction, essay collections. While producing his writing by night, he has earned his daily wage in honest labor that ranges from professions like teacher/bathroom attendant to a door-to-door bible salesman/fish cleaner and everything in between. Elias continues to work hard, grinding out the words and turning them into literary gems, or if you prefer, literary pearls of wisdom. He lives with his wife, two children and a dog-named Brandon in a suburban area in the vicinity of the great Metropolis known as New York City. There he prepares barbecue dinners for neighbors and friends, roams the area for yard sales, watches flies and other moving insect life die in his backward where he also sits on a metal beach chair deciding on the future of the world as we know it.