A Better Place

by Robert P. Rogers, Jr.



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/14/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 402
ISBN : 9781401003975

About the Book

Did you ever think about how much better the world would be if certain people so irresponsible that they get drunk and drive their automobiles on main highways and wipe out entire families, were no longer in this world? What about people who murder someone as part of a gang initiation? Anyone, and not just a member of a rival gang. It could be a housewife and mother out grocery shopping, or a husband and father returning home from work. The list could go on and on; embezzlers, con artists who cheat elderly people out of their life savings, child molesters, and many, many others the would be better off without.

David Dupree, a former army sniper, removed a few of these people from the population. What he did was legal, and under orders from his commanders. But after he leaves the Army and takes a blue collar job, his own life is threatened by some of the people the world would be better off without.

David’s sister, and only living relative, is killed by a drunk driver. What makes a bad situation even worse, the drunk driver has had numerous drunk driving convictions in the past.

He ignored these convictions and kept on drinking. And driving. The last mistake he ever made was getting drunk, driving, and killing David Dupree’s sister. David had to go to prison for awhile, but after he was released, he seemed to attract these undesirables every where he went.

Even after he left the state, met and married Joan Martin, they both seemed to attract people who were out to do them harm. Or maybe David and Joan were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not just to do harm to David and Joan, but to do harm to anybody they came across. They just had an affinity, and the bad luck, to come across David and Joan Dupree

Actually, Joan had met one of these people before she met David. A man entered Joan’s apartment and attempted to rape her. Fortunately, she was in the kitchen cooking dinner at the time, and threw a pot of hot grease on the would-be rapist. While the would-be rapist was distracted by the hot grease, Joan hit him in his head with a meat cleaver, effectively putting him out of the raping business.  

As Joan later admitted to David, she didn’t have any remorse about killing the man. Not as much as she would have had if he had succeeded in raping her, anyway.

About the Author

I am 60 years old, and a retired blue-collar worker. My writing experience includes several ‘how-to’ type articles that were published in magazines, and I write the news letter for my church. This is my first attempt at fiction.