What is Freedom and Other Essays

A collection of essays challenging the assumptions of political correctness

by Dean Chambers



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/19/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9780738832548

About the Book

What is Freedom and Other Essays is a collection of some of the most politically incorrect, interesting, and entertaining essays ever written about political issues. Conservatives, libertarians, and other advocates of individual rights will enjoy reading this volume. Those who disagree with the views contained in them will also enjoy reading them and have many of their assumptions and views about politics challenged by reading this volume. Anyone interested in politics or concerned about the future of politics, or both, is encouraged to read these essays.

About the Author

Dean Chambers is the editor-in-chief of Rightthemes.com, an internet-based magazine featuring articles and news of interest to conservatives, libertarians, and other advocates of individual rights. Essays by Chambers have also appeared on Themestream.com, LibertyCap.org, Free-Market.net, and other internet-based publications. An experienced writer and political junkie, Chambers graduated with a B.A. degree in Political Science, and is an individualist conservative who believes that Barry Goldwater was right.