Faces of Punk

A Photo Gallery




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/2/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781401051709

About the Book

FACES OF PUNK is a photo-gallery, a collection of standouts from more than 15 years of interviewing and photographing radicalized youth on both sides of the Atlantic. If it is a "political statement," its politics are those of inclusion, of universality.

Anthropologist and journalist Peter J. Nebergall, PhD, author of HARD CORE: MARGINALIZED BY CHOICE, VIOLENT SOCIETIES, SHEHARAZADE, THE COLOR OF HIS COAT, GUERRILLA ANTHROPOLOGY, LOST AND FOUND, FROM PICTOGRAPHIC TO COMPUGRAPHIC, and OUTERLOPER, has assembled an all- color collection of images that highlight Punk humanity.

These are not radical fire-breathers. These are not dangerous subversives, or criminals, or pedophiles, and your grandchildren are quite safe. So is your wallet.

Come have a look. What jumps out is not strangeness (what is "strangeness," in the days of Enron?) but humanity. That is something we all need to remember.

About the Author

Dr. Peter Nebergall has graduate degrees in Anthropology and Classical Archaeology. Ancient writing systems have fascinated him since childhood. His previous publications include: Hard Core: Marginalized by Choice, Violent Societies, and Guerrilla Anthropology.