Smoke, Whispers and Notions

Conversations Between Artist and Poet

by Stacy Hope Jones & Marcy Petricig



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 12/1/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 46
ISBN : 9781413412604

About the Book

Divination, chant, totem
Smoke, whisper, notion

About the book
One of us would open an envelope to find a drawing enclosed, and in turn, create a poem that spoke in reaction to it. Or, a poem would be scrawled upon a cocktail napkin, and a painting would emerge in response. This was how this conversation happened...and became smoke, whispers, & notions.

Long and short of it...
This book is Volume I in a lifelong dialogue between artist and poet and friends. This volume covers some subtle and some more obvious examples of life experiencecs stemming from young adulthood into our twenties. (You know, love, lust, laughter. Not to mention greed, disdain, and not wanting to get stuck in the rat race.)

Volume II, coming in 2004, will be a journey away from human reality, and will instead spill the tales of a delicious gritty fantasy world.

About the Author

About the Authors Marcy Petricig and Stacy Hope Jones One of us would open an envelope to find a drawing enclosed, and in turn, create a poem that spoke in reaction to it. Or a poem would be scrawled upon a cocktail napkin, and a painting would emerge in response. This was how this conversation happened…and turned to smoke, whispers, and notions.