Selected Poems




Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/14/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 123
ISBN : 9781413482430
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 123
ISBN : 9781413482423

About the Book

From the several thousand poems written over the course of more than seventy years—but by and large unpublished until now—a first selection of 141 poems has been made, ones written between 1941 and 2004. All these poems are glimpses one after the other into the life to which the long journal that was written simultaneously with the poems gives detail and context and particularity.

About the Author

Claude Fredericks was born in Missouri in 1923. He attended Harvard College in the early Forties, where he studied with Langdon Warner, John Finley, and Walter Clark, and later, in New York in the late Forties, he founded The Banyan Press, where for many years, in New York and in the country in Vermont, he printed by hand in limited editions unpublished work by Gertrude Stein, John Berryman, James Merrill, and many other writers. Plays of his were performed in New York by Julian Beck and Judith Malina at The Living Theatre and by Herbert Machiz at The Artists Theatre as well as by other groups elsewhere. For many years he taught Greek, Italian and Japanese literature, at Bennington College. He is, at present, with the collaboration of Marc Harrington, engaged in editing for publication in its entirety the long journal he has been writing almost without intermission since he was eight years old. The manuscript of this journal, some fifty thousand pages in length, makes up part of the vast archive of the papers of Claude Fredericks at the Research Institute