The History of Gaylordsville
John D. Flynn and Gaylordsville Historical Society
Book Details
About the Book
The Gaylordsville Historical Society is most appreciative to the Flynn family, especially Aline and Peter, for their generous gesture in allowing us to republish and distribute this book. Ironically, since the book went out-of-print a few years back, the Historical Society has received numerous requests for copies of it. Fortunately, through the wonders of modern electronic publishing, this book will never go out of print again. Furthermore, because of this current technology, future revisions of this book can be made quite easily. Suggestions for future revisions can always be made to the Gaylordsville Historical Society through our website at, as we welcome your thoughts and ideas.
About the Author
Reading through the writings of John Flynn really showed the love he had for this community. To do what he did was a major endeavor: to publish a book about the place where he grew up and lived his life. This fourth edition is filled with the same writings that John Flynn initially published along with some updated sections and pictures that continue to depict Gaylordsville’s history through the present day. We decided to add a table of contents, chapter titles and an index, to assist the reader in locating specific areas of interest within the book.