A true story of Prayer, Love, and a dog's remarkable will to survive.

by Fred Eckhardt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/17/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781493159956

About the Book

It was a beautiful sunny day. My wife and I decided to take our small dogs, Princess and Brutus, for a ride. Our destination was the top of a mountain overlooking two small towns. The view would be spectacular. As we neared the top we realized that Princess had jumped out the window! We searched until dark but were unable to find her. After searching for almost two weeks with many tearful restless nights, we gave up hope of ever finding her. We both came to the conclusion that the coyotes got her. THEN THE PHONE RANG!!!

About the Author