A Song Between Lives

by Lisa Powers



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/16/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 189
ISBN : 9781401040000

About the Book

Have you lived before? Author Lisa Derr explores the theme of reincarnation in her novel, A Song Between Lives.

Carlos Peña was a flamenco singer in a past life and is now between incarnations. His former life although passionate was also tragic, ending without the woman he loved and with the blood of a murdered man on his hands. As Carlos looks back at his former days, he is commissioned as an Angel of Death to take the life of Jeannie Price, a strong-willed magician living in the 21st century. The well-known illusionist holds monthly séances deceiving others she can bring back the dead, but in truth, the hardened skeptic believes nothing in the world of spirit.

But Carlos Peña changes that. When the passionate gypsy “visits” the young woman, her life begins to change in unexpected ways, and so begins their shared revelations of a past life together. A Song Between Lives is a lyrical journey into reincarnation, love and the passion of flamenco.

About the Author

Lisa Derr received an M.A. in English from San Francisco State University. She authored the books Eating Desire, A Song Between Lives, and And Sometimes I Forget and is published in magazines ranging from Seventeen to American Poetry Review. Lisa has won several awards for her writing. Her work is featured in City of Buds and Flowers, Between the Survivors & the Stars and Skins of Change. A community college instructor and owner of The Writing Workshop (thewritingworkshop.com), she inspires others as an instructor, book coach, and editor. She loves dancing, laughing with her daughter, writing, and savoring life’s everyday delights.