Axolotl The Water Dragon And Princess Yolotli

''Yolo my Yolo, you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.''

by Dr. Fre Chevere



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/30/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781493157921
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781493157938

About the Book

This book is about a Mexican Mythology and the creation of the world according to the Aztec. After the gods created the world the sun and the moon stood still, it did not move through its life cycles and it was always day. The God Quetzalcoatl had a twin brother called Xolotl. Xolotl was also a god, but other than his brother Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl was born to die. He was the sacrifice needed to make the sun and the moon turn. This book is about of what happened to the destiny of a lesser god. This book is about the love of father for his little girl. “Yolotli was the darling of every Water Dragon living in Xochimilco waters channels. They loved her to bits; for she was so kind and gentle, fine and petite and just the perfect little girl. Yolotli knew every one of them by name, and who their friends and family were. She took some of her flowers to the old and injured, and helped to nurse the sick to health with her magical healing songs.” Axolotl (Ajolote) is the only earth creature that has been able to maintain his god like qualities. The Axolotl never gets old and can repair his body by regenerating new parts. Juan Ponce De Leon came to America looking for the Fountain of Youth. He never found the Axolotl.

About the Author

Dr. Fre Chevere is a father of five; he enjoys telling stories and spending time with his kids. His favorite hobby is changing diapers and cuddling with his new baby.