L' Strange Cafe

by Al Ferber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/4/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 383
ISBN : 9781462844586
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 383
ISBN : 9781413413120

About the Book

L’ Strange Cafe represents over 200 pages of Al Ferber’s work (mainly GUS) and about 150 pages of work by 16 other poets (Gus’ L’ Strange Poetics Orchestra & Blues Band) from Orefield, PA to the North & South ends of Bucks County to Center City to South Philadelphia to New Jersey to Maryland to Virginia to South Carolina to Tennessee to the state of Washington. We may not have covered the map but we sure have dotted it some. As you read through the four sections of the book (L’Strange Cafe, Up the Alley & Across The Street-Orchestral Movement, Blues Band Jam, & Hallelujah Chorus {for Cathi}) you may notice some interesting poetic conversations going on between poets and poems. You will find poems in collision, one poem amplifying an aspect or aspects of another poem, one poem responding to another, one poem speaking to another, one or more poems replying to another poem. That’s right. Poems talking to each other. Bar talk, as it were. This book is literally a handful, a belly full, a heart full, a soul full, your worst nightmare, your most memorable dream. The cover will knock your socks off. Under the covers will take care of the rest.

About the Author

Al Ferber born ‘46 Phila., PA. Fell in love with a girl, movies, dreams kidnapped by parents to Levittown, Bishop Egan H. S. cash scholarship bought black ‘55 Chevy. Slung pizzas, delivered mail in paper mill for 1 year. Bucks CCC, Penn State, Temple U. Grad ‘70, wrote, & taught 4 yrs, administrator for jobs program & in charge of whole shooting match 5yrs. GUS emerged. Came to senses & quit. Suckered back to run outreach program for Vietnam Vets 3 yrs. Another shooting match. Tended bar 13 years. Got sober ‘97. Villanova D & A Counseling. And the Beat goes on.