Do You Know Your Lines?
Book Details
About the Book
A positive journey of two front-line EVAC nurses returning from Vietnam, the center of madness. They return to reclaim their virtues, dysfunctional families, and delicate microcosms of religious faith. A textured portrait of the imprecise structures they ran away from three years ago, now possessing a graphic glue eclipsing that which they were before. Two feisty, amusing, feminine rebels whose middle age crisis came early, their lassitude poignantly, gradually replaced by a quixotic sense of future. A vigorous, affirmative character analysis of transition of spirit. DO YOU KNOW YOUR LINES?, a metaphor asking, do you know what to say at that moment in our lives when words almost fail; do fail? Why? Because we may be emotionally bankrupt; willpower, alone, no longer able to return us to those graceful, idealistic, delicious times before fatigue and confusion penetrated deeply into our being.
About the Author
Oren Hays emigrated from Los Angeles, California to Las Cruces, New Mexico in 1980. Diverse careers, U.S. Navy, singing, acting, and real estate entrepreneur, all made for ideal story telling venues. Submerged in the writing life of a southwestern city infected with prominent writers, has been a privilege and joy. The is his first novel.