Border Hard

by Eduardo Paz-Martinez



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 4/20/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 349
ISBN : 9780738866765

About the Book

There is nothing if there is no romance. That is the rolling philosophy of a trio of social outlaws out for a good time. Age be damned, is what they scream. Being a mature 40 years of age is no reason to fall off the romance wagon. Women abound and so stabs in the darkened bedroom chase this tale from the unforgiving Texas-Mexico border. Imagine a land where the only salvation is at the bottom of a bottle of tequila, where the only pleasant sight is a nylon skirt dancing feet ahead of you on the scorching sidewalks of Matamoros. BORDER HARD takes you on a ride aboard a farmworker truck piloted by a drunken troquero. The open bed of the damned thing is full of lovely women. Do you jump off just cause the lousy driver’s headed for the cliff?

About the Author

Three men grabbing for the same rope may be a losing proposition, except that when a man reaches the ripe age of 40 that rope may be all he wants. Life along the Texas-Mexico border, where chili means nuclear chili, comes with alcoholed mornings, harsh days, and wild nights that magnify all visual frames into full-blown dramas. It is in this setting that Patrick Alcatraz, narrator of this contemporary tale, scoots the reader into a world where whiskey brings better movies than Hollywood. Things may be falling apart from coast to coast. But, for the characters of this novel, the romantic heart has never been about feeling a skipped beat. It’s been all about racing past the ticking stage and exploding into so many frayed feelings that gathering them for burial would be missing the damned point. A man can, indeed, dance his ass off on burning coals…