Kruger's Gold

A novel of the Anglo-Boer War

by Sidney Allinson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 8/27/2001

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9780738865850
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9780738865867

About the Book

Boer War - South Africa - 1902

Canadian Lt. Harry Lanyard, British Army, leads a mounted patrol of hard-bitten Colonial troopers into the veld to recover $15-million worth of gold bullion looted by Transvaal President Paul Kruger during the Second Anglo-Boer War.

To do it, Lanyard must battle tough burgher commandos, murderous bandits, hostile civilians, and an enemy spy sworn to kill him, while his own men have turned mutinous. He also strives to regain the love of his Boer ex-sweetheart who now is allied with a ruthless Czarist secret agent.

Based on many actual events, KRUGER’S GOLD is meticulously researched in historical details. It reveals the horrors of concentration camps and ruthless guerilla fighting, while innocent civilians and black Africans suffer during the “last of the gentlemens’ wars”.

About the Author

Sidney Allinson is a Canadian novelist and military historian, author of six books, film scripts, and numerous magazine articles. His military history, “The Bantams: The Untold Story Of World War One”, was highly acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic. He wrote “Jeremy Kane”, a Canadian historical adventure novel of the 1837 Mackenzie Rebellion and its brutal aftermath in the Australian penal colonies. Sidney Allinson served overseas with the Royal Air Force, was creative director of two international advertising agencies, and communications policy advisor to the Ontario Government. He is a past director of the Royal Canadian Military Institute, and received the Boulter Award for outstanding writing. Born in England, a long-time resident of Toronto, he now lives in Victoria, British Columbia, working on a novel about the 1942 Dieppe Raid. E-mail: