The Lucky Unborn
Book Details
About the Book
The Lucky Unborn is a definite page-turner with plenty of sex, crime, drugs, revenge, betrayal and other ingredients of our corrupt age. It is the story of an average man who has disappeared, leaving behind a manuscript that documents the gradual disintegration of his life. The settings (wartime London, subtropical Miami, Bogota) are descriptively and atmospherically drawn. High points of the narrative are a monologue by his paramour, and a lecture he delivers on the personality and motivation of Shakespeare's Othello. Essentially a modern morality tale, the issues raised are discussed honestly and non-judgmentally in a direct narrative unembellished by literary artifice.
About the Author
Kenneth S. Most is a retired college professor living in Florida. He has worked in a dozen countries on four continents and considers himself a citizen of the world. He has published many books and articles on economic and financial subjects and one other novel, Peter Woods Abroad (Xlibris, 2005.)