
by Patrick M. Garry



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/13/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 141
ISBN : 9781425735401

About the Book

Thomas Walsh, a prominent Chicago attorney, didn’t know why he was attending his high school reunion. He never liked the school, or the town. Maybe it was the guilt about his wife, or that messy political scandal, that made him agree to attend. Whatever it was, it had kept him from seeing that the reunion might remind him of the accident that left a fellow classmate, Donavon Killerman, blind and orphaned. Until now, Thomas had never felt guilty about his involvement in that accident. Blindly seeking a needed sense of moral redemption, he checks into Donavon’s fishing resort under a false name. When he discovers the maze of Donavon’s legal problems, Thomas revels in the role of savior. But the more he plays this role, the more entangled he becomes in risky schemes. Increasingly surrounded by shady characters, Thomas begins to suspect during one late-night encounter that someone is spying on him. This suspicion leads to a break-in at a private investigator’s office, which sets in motion a chain of events that suddenly reverses the roles of the two men, raising the question: who is really the blind one?

About the Author

Patrick Garry teaches at the University of South Dakota and has written for the Chicago Tribune Magazine and The Washington Times.