The Magic Fleet

by John Strang



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/27/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 291
ISBN : 9781425776770
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 291
ISBN : 9781425776817
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781493199952

About the Book

The Magic Fleet, set in the years 1792-1798, continues the themes of the author's Plans of the Deathless Gods (Xlibris, 2002). It recounts the arrivals in the settlement of Fridericus, South New Zealand, of New Prussia Company ships Hera and, after significant delay, Apollon and Hephaistos. Meanwhile, Hermes, returning to Europe, discovers that war has broken out between Prussia and revolutionary France--threatening the continued existence of the Company.

As Europe commences an era of conflict destined to last nearly a quarter-century, 'New Prussia' enters a period of isolation--The Great Interruption--in which its diminutive population must become self-sustaining. Philosopher Adam Sixtus, who has joined his brother Robert (director of the settlement), finds his predictions about the violent course of modern history confirmed--but envisions yet worse events to follow.

In the climate of war and uncertainty Robert learns that his wife and sons have left the old world to join him. After adventures extending over the Orient, South Africa and North America, the remaining Company vessels and their passengers unexpectedly find themselves reunited and able to proceed to their destination--The Magic Fleet.

About the Author

Author’s Life John Strang was born in Kirtland, Ohio and studied philosophy, classics, German and history at various American colleges and at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He obtained his doctorate in philosophy in 1984 from Boston University and has taught for over ten years at one of the colleges of the University of New Hampshire system. Plans of the Deathless Gods was originally conceived as a response to a father’s taunt about “warmongering Prussians” but developed over the years into the presentation of a philosophical discovery in a novelistic form.