A Poetic Philosophy on the inner Soul...the Outer Voice...The Vibrant, Vivid Colours of Imagination...The Celestial Music of Thought

by R. Dean Moudy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/10/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 277
ISBN : 9781462848508
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 277
ISBN : 9781462848492
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 277
ISBN : 9781462848515

About the Book

R. Dean Moudy is part of an artistic, cultured and creative family and enjoys an ingenious talent both in his professional and personal life observing the world with an unusually imaginative and many times humorous eye. He has been published in The National Library of Poetry and inclusion in a number of other recognitions, honors and awards. In this extraordinary and remarkable book of surreal philosophical poetry, he has taken you and his vision out of the everyday life to pursue and witness exploring the exotic images and themes that transcend time and place in its appeal. His recognized work is recommended for its poetic discipline, personal tone, natural scenery and dreamlike pictorial beauty. The many themes he has developed are underlying yet all pervasive as each poem will take you along to another world you have not yet dreamed. From surrealistic dreamscapes to haunting bittersweet memories, through a restless melody, to an impossible reality, then a quiet awakening but are you really awake or are YOU the dream? R. Dean Moudy’s inspired “I, Witness” is an appealing volume of a dream journey that will often call to you long after you attempt to put it down.

About the Author