Photography: The Art of Success

by Chuck Groot



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/18/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 314
ISBN : 9781477166383
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 314
ISBN : 9781436343282
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 314
ISBN : 9781436343275

About the Book

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About the Author

Chuck Groot has been in the photography all his life being a second generation professional photographer and has been in business for himself for over 30 years. Mr. Groot won his first national award, the Canadian Amateur Medal, at the age of fifteen, doing an expose on pollution. From there, he has gone on to win acclaim for his photography in Canada, The United States, Japan, Australia and Europe, accumulating over 50 national and international titles. Chuck has his Fellow of the Professional Photographers of British Columbia (F/PPABC), which is the highest award honoring photographers in British Columbia. He is one of few photographers in Canada who has earned the prestigious Master of Photographic Arts degree (MPA). As well, Kodak has presented him with two of their Gallery Awards for Excellence. He was the youngest photographer to be invited to join the American Society of Photographers. He feels particularly blessed having been able to study with some of the finest photographers in the world: Josef Karsh, Arnold Newman, Monte Zucker, Jason Hailey, Frank Cricchio and his father, John Groot. This background, rich in expertise, has led to his having won top awards in a variety of photographic fields: children, families, weddings, pets, wildlife, nature, commercial and fashion. He studies have not ended there. Chuck teaches Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Photography, and Digital Imaging at a local high school – and consequently knows about effective learning strategies. He was granted the Federal Business Development Bank Certificate of Achievement in outstanding contribution towards Small Business Owner Management under the FBDB Community Business Initiative and was awarded a Professional Certificate by the British Columbia College of Teachers. He took part in an Advanced Entrepreneurship Masters Program at the University of Victoria. Chuck’s career has been enriched by study under master motivators and strategists such as Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Robert G. Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Cory Rudl and Mike Litman to name a few.