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About the Author
Captain Hudson volunteered for active duty in July, 1941 as a Platoon Leader for the 28th Infantry Division, four months before Pearl Harbor, and was overseas over four years throughout World War II. His varied career included the first troop movement to Africa of the 9th US Air Force; established the first US Army Post Offices in Africa as USAFIME Theater Postal Officer; as USAFIME Theater Photographic Officer covered the battle for North Africa against German Field Marshal, Erwin Rommel; as Theater Censor, selected and authorized photos to be provided to the World Press for coverage of these important events of the Cairo and Teheran Conferences of the Big Three, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Josef Stalin; Senior Intelligence Officer for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), mad 33 espionage missions behind the German lines in Albania; as Commanding Officer OSS, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, in the Denazification of Germany and the apprehension of German War Criminals, and the famous aviatrix and German Luftwaffe consultant, Hannah Reitsch. Captain Hudson has written three other books: TWO PERSONS FOR ONE JOB, an original plan for increasing the efficiency of government and Private Organizations; THE SHIP THAT WON WORLD WAR II,, Hudson was the Official Photographer on the troopship, the Pasteur, carrying 5,000 GI fighting men to Egypt as the first large contingent of Americans in Africa to form the 9th US Air Force; including the 57th Fighter Group, the 12th Bombardier Group of B-25 (Mitchell) Bombers, and the 98th Bombardier Group of B-17 (Flying Fortress) Bombers ands B-24 Bombers (Liberator). BEYOND OSS., his 33 missions infiltrating into Albania during its occupation by the German Army, Gestapo, and SS Troops. This included the rescue of 13 American nurses and the US Air Force crew, after several months of hiding in peasant homes after they had made a forced landing into Albania.